Saturday 1 October 2011

Offcial Blog Titter Contest And Partys

Twitter Follower Contest
1. Refer a friend or friends to our twitter page ( and have them follow us.
2. Have them copy @toonstunes on a tweet where they include your username and their own username if they are toonstunes users too.
3. For every new follower that mentions you in a tweet to us, you get entered in our raffle. They will also be entered if they users or if they become toonstunes users. (remember to mention the person you are entering and your own username in the tweet)
hi @toonstunes I want to enter nebula in the raffle. My username is nanibobo!
-both nebula and nanibobo would be entered in the raffle!
At the end we will randomly choose 3 winners! Remember you can be entered more than once to increase your chances. The contest will end Monday, October 3rd!'

And Now For the partys
Check out their awesome mascot, piscle the snail (in green)! He’s the mascot for their site called AppAttack. Impressive Tooners! 

Thanks for Reading 



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