Thursday 16 June 2011

Magic - Admin!

Hello Tooners.
Today , I'm an admin on this blog =) I really like it as its a new fantastic blog.I will also add anything Nelson or Crazyrocker ask me to add.I'm here for help!
Alright , today I've added a new page into my blog '''' if anyone want me as an author for his blog or design for his/her blog anything.I will be here :) Just check the page on there and you will find my emails!

Thanks for reading ,
I'm glad I became an admin on that awesome blog.
-Magic,video guru


NelsonLopez1234! said...

Thanks Magic For Joining Awesome Post Tell Everybody About This Blog!
Thanks You

Blue star2 said...

Welcome Magic!!!

Ghoni said...

Thanks guys for letting me post in this blog.If you needed any graphics or updates in it for sure I'll make it! :) just comment.
and Thank you all for letting me join!
-Magic , video guru

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